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   Our Family  


Farmer Kate


Kate fell in love with gardening first, during a childhood filled with summers tending gardens with her parents. She then fell in love with farming and sustainable agriculture in her early 20s, after becoming pregnant with her first child. She now has over 15 years experience with gardening, growing vegetables and small fruits. Kate started Noka Farm in the summer of 2019 at the age of 27, and has been living the dream ever since. In 2021, Kate expanded the farm business to include a state-licensed home bakery, another passion of hers. She offers custom orders and sweets and treats at the farmers markets and the farm stand. Check out our bakery page for pictures of some of her work!


When Kate isn’t elbow deep in her vegetable beds, she also enjoys canning, crochet, sewing, crafting, volunteering in her community, and spending time with her littlest farmers.


Farmer Chris


Chris is the biggest supporter of Noka Farm and spends a lot of his days working off-farm as a Firefighter/EMT for the Williston Fire Department.


When he’s home at the farm he enjoys helping out with the big projects around the farm, restoring his numerous project cars, and fixing all of the things Kate breaks during the week, as well as spoiling his little helpers.


Chris’s specialty is preparing EPIC meals from our own produce and fruits, especially with his prized smoker.


Farmer Noah


Noah loves to spend his days outdoors, admiring the vegetables and getting as dirty as possible. He proudly helps out with every task on the farm, but especially loves digging in the dirt, taking care of the chickens, and picking out the perfect bouquet for everyone. Noah is always the first to offer help, and we adore his sense of humor.


Given a choice, Noah would eat salad for dinner every night of the week. With a side of fruit. And lake-caught bass.


Farmer Kaden


Kaden is farm royalty, and considers himself the prince of our land. He has deemed himself the head of quality control on the farm (especially when it comes to sampling blackberries) and prefers to delegate tasks rather than partake in physical labor, unless it involves water of any kind.


He is an avid fruit fanatic, and is looking forward to our ever-expanding strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry patches. He also loves anything blue.

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